Seems like Linchpin by Seth Godin is available online.
Notable points by Ed
6:00- Our world today and where workers fit
18:00- The industrial mindset (People agree to do a job for instructions)
30:00- Wikipedia’s Story, how it defeated the Britannica Encyclopedia (Mechanical Turk)
34:30- Ford’s story (Every part is interchangeable)
37:45- The myth of a white collar worker (Average doesn’t mean anything)
39:50- Definition of Linchpins
41:00- Industrial Revolution and its fall
43:00- When a new system replaces the old
47:30- You are what you do (better reinvent your life). There are three types of people:
- Industrialists
- Proletariat
- Linchpins
What does it mean? How does Linchpins change the landscape?:
- You need to be indispensable
- <TBD>
Who should read Linchpin:
- A white collar worker tired of his 9-5 job
- A parent who keeps on drilling his/her child to fit in
- A startup founder looking to build the perfect company layout
- A new college graduate looking to establish himself in the changing market environment